6 anti-aging treatments you never knew existed

salon treatments for skin rejuvenation

Various anti-aging procedures are available and are no stranger to many women around the world. Beauty injections, mesothreads, skin, various types of lifting and massage are becoming part of our daily lives. However, this by no means means that the cosmetologist has nothing else to surprise you.

The achievements of modern cosmetology, thanks to the use of ultra modern equipment and new innovative medicines, allow you to take care of the body parts that often betray the age of the most beautiful woman. Are you interested? We offer you to familiarize yourself with the most exciting new things that have not yet gained widespread popularity, but have every chance to succeed in the near future.

Removal and rejuvenation of the earlobes

Paying a lot of attention to skin and body care, most women often lose some small details that seem almost invisible to them. For example, how long do you notice the appearance of your earlobes? But this part of the body, unfortunately, is also capable of giving age. In addition, with the loss of previous elasticity, the puncture site of the groove-shaped earrings is elongated and does not look very aesthetically pleasing. However, you do not have to rush to change your hairstyle to cover the ears with long strands. Exit found!

A number of salons and aesthetic medical clinics offer their clients ear lobe (contour) removal procedures, which are based on injectable preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Injections allow you to remove deformities and sagging on the skin, restoring tissue volume and elasticity. The effects of such anti-aging procedures are achieved quickly and last for about a year.

Lipofilling Décolleté: fast and safe rejuvenation

Almost every woman who has reached the age of 40 should face the problem of premature skin aging in the décolleté area. Here the wrinkles appear quite early, the skin becomes dry and fluffy. Of course, the use of various skins, masks and creams can save the situation for some time. However, sooner or later, the time comes when these steps are not enough. Fortunately, modern women who strive to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of their body for as long as possible will be assisted by a refreshing lipofilling procedure, which, however, can be applied not only to the chest and neck, but also to other areas as needed.

But what is lipofilling? This procedure is similar in technique to "beauty injections", however, the patient's processed fat, which is extracted from the area, acts as a filler, and there is an excess of it.

Preparations based on its own fat cells are usually well-rooted, making it possible to shorten the recovery period. Experts note that the effect of such a procedure is quite long and reaches three to four years.

Liposculpture: get rid of fat rolls on the back

The hateful fat rolls on the back and sides, which can ruin the effect of the most amazing clothing, may bring a lot of negative emotions to many women. Meanwhile, even a strict diet and intensive training at a fitness club do not always allow you to quickly get rid of fat deposits on the back.

In this case, liposculpture procedures, performed using special equipment, will help you quickly achieve the desired result. During the procedure, ultrasonic waves, acting through a small puncture on the skin, help remove excess fatty tissue. The fat turns into a liquid and is expelled. The soft ultrasound effect reduces hematomas and postoperative edema.

However, corrective underwear should be worn during the recovery period.

Plasma therapy is a safe and effective anti-aging procedure

rejuvenates skin treatments

Plasma therapy (or plasmolifting) procedures have gained widespread popularity in many countries. During the rejuvenating procedure, the patient is injected with his own blood plasma.

Plasma, separated from erythrocytes, and experiencing an increase in platelet count after screening, is injected into a specific area by injection. This procedure helps restore the interstitial space of the skin layer on the skin. The introduction of blood plasma activates the growth of stem cells and promotes skin rejuvenation.

As a result of plasmolifting:

  • fine wrinkles are rolled;
  • skin acquires a healthier and more even color;
  • due to active collagen production, increased firmness and elasticity of the skin.

This procedure is one of the safest and most hypoallergenic skin rejuvenation methods, but it is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for acute infectious diseases;
  • for blood diseases;
  • for kidney problems.

Usually the course consists of 5 - 6 procedures, interval between 15 - 20 days. Experts say that the results can be seen after the second plasma therapy session.

Mesobotox method - revolution in neck care

Completing the neck rejuvenation theme is another procedure that is just beginning to gain popularity. This is a common Botox injection that will help redistribute the tone of various muscles in the neck, allowing you to get rid of wrinkles quickly and effectively.

If the injection site and medication dose are calculated correctly, you can see the results after the swelling subsides - within about a week. It should be noted that it is better to entrust the implementation of anti-aging procedures to an experienced cosmetologist.

This procedure will not make you uncomfortable, it only takes 5-10 minutes to inject the medicine. There are various methods of giving medication, each of which allows you to fight certain types of wrinkles. The duration of the effect is from three to five months.

Anti-aging hand injections

The skin of the hands also needs special anti-aging treatment. Age-related changes: puffy, dry, wrinkled skin, prominent "senile" veins, can no longer be neutralized by using only regular cosmetics. Even special procedures: massage, bathing and wrapping, give only short-term results. For a more realistic and long-lasting effect, modern cosmetologists recommend using hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure - an injection based on hyaluronic acid.

The content of hyaluronic acid, which regulates skin moisture levels, decreases with age. Such injections for facial rejuvenation have long been no surprise, but the hands also need no less care and attention. As a result of the biorevitalization process, skin color improves, becomes softer and more elastic.

It should be noted that the preparation used for injection is hypoallergenic and suitable for use not only on superficial surfaces, but also on the deep layers of the skin.

So, even if you feel the use of the most expensive cosmetics for face and body care does not bring the desired results, you should not despair. The use of new revolutionary technology can work wonders, evoking the body’s hidden storage.